Friday, August 3, 2018

Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF Review + Bonus + 80% OFF Discount


Product: Unlock Your Hip Flexors


Price: $97  $50  $10.00 (Click Here)

60 Day Refund

Quick Summary of "Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF" by Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal 

We bet you can’t guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat. This “hidden survival muscle” in your body will boost your energy levels, immune system, strength and athletic performance when unlocked.
If this “hidden” most powerful muscle is healthy, we are healthy. If it's too tight, undertrained or locked up it can contribute to issues such as:

+Nagging Joint Pain
+Bad Posture
+Trouble Sleeping
+High Anxiety
+Digestive Problems
+Weakened Immune System
+Circulatory Issues
+Lack of Explosiveness in the Gym

Those are some nasty problems, but when you unlock this muscle there are many amazing health benefits. This “hidden survival muscle” is called HIP FLEXORS (psoas).

What is the “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” Program?

There’s no better way to describe this product than using the words of the author Rick Kaselj himself:
“The reason this book came to be is to help you “unlock your hip flexors,” so that you can be strong, active and energetic for yourself and loved ones.”

Who is Rick Kaselj?

 Rick Kaselj, M.S. (Exercise Science), B.Sc. (Kinesiology), PK, CPT, CEP, CES

Rick Kaselj specializes in exercise rehabilitation and fitness. He works in one-on-one and group rehabilitation settings, educating and training people who have been injured at work, in car accidents, and during sport activities.

Rick has combined his rehabilitation experience and passion for research to develop a variety of courses and presentations for fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers. Rick has given over 302 presentations to 5897 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.  These courses include:

Core stability of the shoulder
Exercise rehabilitation for the shoulder, lower back, hip, or knee
Foam roller essentials
Intro and advanced core stability
Intro and advanced stability ball exercises
Postural assessment and exercise prescription
Injury-free running
Save your shoulders
Training for better golf

Rick strives to balance his work life with his personal fitness endeavours and travel. He has trained for and competed in the Manitoba Marathon, the 225 km Ironman Canada Triathlon, and the 160 km Sea2Summit Adventure Race in Whistler, BC.

He has hiked 4,300 km along the Pacific Crest Trailfrom Mexico to Canada and mountain biked the 5,000 km Great Divide Mountain Bike Route over the Rocky Mountains from Mexico to Canada. An avid traveler, Rick has toured three continents and visited 17 countries.

In 1997 he graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University. Rick recently completed his Masters of Science degree focusing on corrective exercise and therapeutic exercise for the rotator cuff.  Rick currently works as a lecturer, Kinesiologist, personal trainer, writer of exercise rehabilitation and exercise rehabilitation specialist in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

See how Rick does his job very well:

 “The Pain Hacker” Rick Kaselj has recorded an awesome video which shows you how to relieve your hip pain and tightness with a FREE PROFESSIONAL pain hack.
It’s a quick read with some eye opening tips and a helpful video that you’ll enjoy it a lot. You’ll find the video below.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Does It Really Work?

What People Are Saying About Unlock Your Hip Flexors

"With so many people suffering with Hip Pain out there, Ricks’ program "Unlock Your Hip Flexors" is a great tool for any fitness or health professional that wants to reduce pain, and improve strength, performance and overall health.
As a Physical Therapist that works with numerous hip injuries, I can incorporate many of Rick’s exercises into my rehabilitative and wellness programs for my patients with excellent results.
The exercises are sensible and easy to learn – and your clients will be happy, healthy and thank you for it!"
Erin Nielsen
Physical Therapist

You Need Flexible Hips to Live a Long Healthy Life
"I have known Rick Kaselj since college. Since then I have gone to Chiropractic college and become a Diplomate of the International College of Applied Kinesiology and a Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition. As a result I have come to some important conclusions about how the body works. Hip flexibility, mobility and strength is one of the most important things you can do to keep your overall body healthy. The way we moved thousands of years ago is our natural state, which requires flexible and mobile hips.
I was excited to here about Rick Kaselj’s Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and have read the manual and watched the videos. I was very impressed with the content. I implemented the concepts and program into my practice with my clients.
Rick has developed a comprehensive system to unlock your hips and restore movement the way it should be. Everyone could benefit from Unlock Your Hip Flexors. The two most important things to live a long healthy live is good quality whole food and great movement and which requires great hip mobility. I cannot recommend this program enough."

The Hague Area, Netherlands

 What's Inside the Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

PROMOTE WEIGHT LOSS, ENHANCE YOUR STRENGTH TRAINING AND INCREASE ENERGY: Unlock Your Hip Flexors is a practical, easy-to-follow program you can use today to release your hip flexors for more strength, improve health and all day energy. DVD contains 10 exercises with explanations from Rick on perfect form and exactly how to target hard-to-reach psoa muscle which is the root cause of tight hip flexors.

REDUCE PAIN NATURALLY! This is a NATURAL way to get rid of the pain in your back, legs, and hips. It shows you how to deal with the CAUSE of your strength and flexibility problems and not the EFFECTS. If you've been struggling with nagging aches, pains, and stiffness, loosening up your hip flexors has helped many like you return to living the full and active lives they deserve.

SAY GOODBYE TO UNCOMFORTABLE SLEEP: Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and consequently decreasing blood flow and circulation through the hips. This tightness results in physical discomfort, making it more difficult to fall asleep and more likely to wake up during the night.

VERY EASY TO USE, NO NEED FOR A GYM MEMBERSHIP OR EXTRA EQUIPMENT: You can do this routine anywhere even in a very small space. All you need is a wall to lean on for support for a couple of the movements. It only takes between 10-15 minutes in total to complete.

APPROPRIATE FOR ALL AGES AND BODY TYPES: The exercises themselves are not strenuous and are designed to be carried out by anyone, regardless of ability. There are also progressions to make the movements more challenging if needed.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF product is basically a 63 page ebook, which consists of the following chapters:

Anatomy & Biomechanics of the Hip Flexors
Meet Your Psoas
Fight or Flight Muscle for Survival
How Sitting is Killing You
Sitting & Your Intimate Life
Increase Power to Increase Performance
Why You Can’t Fire Your Most Powerful Muscle
Tight Hips = Fat Storage?
A Tight Psoas Can Make You LOOK Fat
Psoas and its Effects on Emotions and Energy
Why Static Stretching Alone Isn’t the Answer
The Routine: 10 simple moves that unlock your hip flexors
About the Authors
Other Products from Mike & Rick

 Who will benefit from the Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

There are so many people who will benefit if they use the program as Rick guide them, for example:

People with Bulging belly: Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from tight hip flexors due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair. If you have tight hip flexors from sitting you can look fat even if you're not!

People with Back Pain: In Physical Therapy, this is one of the most common body-parts that are screened for, an area that is seeked out and fixed with hands-on attention, and one for which I've received specialized training.  When released, our clients feel enormously better, almost as if blood flow returned to a vital area; and they have confidence to address new body goals.

People with Bad posture: This is a nasty problem, but when you unlock this muscle there are many amazing health benefits.

People with Poor blood circulation: With a tight psoas from sitting all day your hips will become fixed in a forward thrust position causing your pelvis and leg(s) to rotate. This forward tilt will cause your hip socket to become compressed leading to pulling and shifting of joints, tendons, and muscles pulling on your lower back. This pulling on the lower back WILL decrease blood flow and circulation as well as delayed nerve response to the hips.

The Good (Pros)

- This is a good step-by-step guide that is presented in easy to understand language.

- You need about only 20 to 30 minutes per day to do the exercises.

- Works for men or women of all ages.

- You will have more energy

- The authors are certified professionals.

- There is a video included to help you understand how to correctly do the exercises.

- There’s a 60-day money back guarantee.

- The Price: The program usually sells for $50, which means you’re getting over 80% off. This promotion is only for a limited time though, and there is no telling when it will end. So this is a good time to take advantage of this offer.

- And the most important thing: You will create younger, toned, firm muscles and you’ll forget about back pain.

The Bad (Cons)

-  Too much words website design.

- Although they’ll gonna give you a good bonuses for free you have to purchase another cool bonuses separately. This bonuses are not offered with the main package.

- The program requires a strong willpower, because you will have to change a few aspects of your daily routine.

- The Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program is only available online. You can buy it only through the Unlock Your Hip Flexors Official Website.

Last Words

Unlock Your Hip Flexors is a program created by Rick Kaseljand and Mike Westerdalis being offered for limited time, and there is no telling when it will end for just $10. It includes a great refund policy: You have a full 60 days to try the program and if you’re unhappy you will get a refund (amazing isn’t it?). 

This guide offers one of the best and natural ways to give a new life to your hip flexors and to get rid of that awful back pain or that bulging belly. This program have been tried for many customers and all of them are highly, highly satisfied. 

For all of this and so much more tha it is included inside the “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” is a real solution for you and if you want to feel good results fast without pills or medicine you must go for it.

Just think for a moment in this:

What can you buy with 10 dollars? A hamburguer and a soda? One cup of coffe with one piece of bread? Will this help you to get relief to your hip and back pain? Certainly the answer is NO, but with just $10 and willpower you can start feel better as soon as you start the program. Besides there’s nothing to lose because remember, this program includes a 60 day money back guarantee so as we said before if you’re unhappy you will get a refund. 

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